Sunday, June 5, 2016

Back in the Saddle

Today has been a great day.

  1. I slept in until I wasn't tired (11 am - I was up past 3 am finishing "Nemesis Games").
  2. I did a sink of dishes.
  3. I had a SB breakfast (2 eggs scrambled, a grilled ham steak, fresh broccoli, orange juice and coffee).
  4. I watched "The Martian".
  5. I talked to Karley, and we caught up for a half hour or so.
  6. I worked out for the first time in ten days (back injury).
  7. I had a salad for 'lunch' (4 pm).
  8. I updated Not Lame Minus.
  9. I cleared off my desk, and drew June's calendar.

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