Monday, September 26, 2016

Desert Island: Musician Catalogs

I enjoy the 'Desert Island' thought experiment of trying to weed down favorites (music, authors, movies, etc...) to bare minimums. This time I am focusing on which ten musicians' entire catalogs I would take to the island (instead of choosing particular albums), in order to make my lifetime stay more enjoyable.

In alphabetical order:

  • Cocteau Twins
  • Miles Davis
  • Def Leppard
  • The Doors
  • Nick Drake
  • Ivy
  • Lush
  • Trevor Pinnock (classical conductor)
  • R.E.M.
  • Pete Yorn
Through a happy accident (and my wide musical tastes) I have a breakdown of: one classical, one jazz, three female lead singers, and representatives of 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's rock. And while I would miss many songs from other areas, I think I could survive quite nicely on this rather large collection.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Back in the Sketchboard Saddle

I haven't done any serious drawing in some time. 
Here is yesterday's offering, a not-quite-Halloween Creep O-Lantern (haha):

Now that it is fall, the time of year I seem to get the most done in all areas of my life, there will be many more art-related happenings.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Music Time

I snagged a few songs on iTunes just now:

  • Foo Fighters "Saint Cecelia" EP

  • Chapterhouse "Pearl" EP

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Random Music Notes

Various music-related things:

  1. Well, no one wanted to go to the Lush show with me, and I just didn't have the motivation or desire to go alone, and throw good money after bad (gas, parking at Alewife, T fares, dinner in Boston, beer at the show, potential cab ride, etc...). *sigh*
  2. I bought a 1/100 limited edition vinyl album from Dirty Dishes singer Jenny Tuite ("Cloud Cover"). The first song is pretty good, and the rest should be in my hands (plus downloaded - I get the mp3 too when it's released) at the end of the month.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Long Lake Day

I usually go down to the lake around 5 pm and sit around 'til sunset. Today I went down there at 2. I had a ham, provolone and pickle sub with a couple of Wachusett Octoberfest beers and some Wachusett chips. I read about 100 pages of "High Stakes" ('Wild Cards'). I swam for awhile, and I laid on the dock (more reading). I've had a head cold the last two days, but today made me feel WAY better.